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July 27, 2024
Other Studies
A Variety of other studies examining emergency services in both Fairview and Dutchess County have been filed in the past. We will do our best to provide access to this wealth of information.

1984 Proper's Fire Protection Report

This is the original study completed for Fairview in 1984. To view PDF, Click Here

Changing Times Report

Executive summary of a study done outlining the state of Emergency Services in Dutchess County. To view PDF, Click Here

2003 Town of Hyde Park Joint Fire Districts Task Force Report

This is the study regarding the staffing and logistics of improving Fire and EMS service in the Town of Hyde Park. To View PDF, Click Here

ISO- Effective Fire Protection

This is an informative publication from the Insurance Services Office. Homeowners' insurances rates are often determined by the level of fire protection offered to the property. Click Here

NFPA 1710 Staffing Standard

NFPA 1710 is the nationally accepted standard for staffing of career fire departments. This link is to a brief informational video about the standard and why it exists.

Fire-Based EMS Video

This informational video outlines the advantages of having fire department based emergency medical service. Click Here to see the website.

Page Last Updated: Jan 22, 2009 (12:23:55)
Dutchess-Fairview Professional Fire Fighters
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